Surname List: Begins with B

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[no surname] ( A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z

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All surnames beginning with B, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Bachtel (1)
2. Bacon (2)
3. Baghtel (3)
4. Bailey (37)
5. Baird (48)
6. Baker (31)
7. Baldwin (41)
8. Bales (2)
9. Ballard (1)
10. Ballengal (1)
11. Ballentyne (15)
12. Bame (9)
13. Banks (5)
14. Banther (19)
15. Baragrery (1)
16. Barb (1)
17. Barbee (59)
18. Barber (10)
19. Baret (1)
20. Barker (55)
21. Barkwell (6)
22. Barlow (1)
23. Barnes (7)
24. Barnett (1)
25. Barrett (10)
26. Barrow (1)
27. Bartel (1)
28. Bartholome (1)
29. Bartholomew (1)
30. Bartle (2)
31. Bartlett (1)
32. Barton (9)
33. Baskins (1)
34. Bassett (1)
35. Batson (3)
36. Batz (1)
37. Baumgardner (1)
38. Baxter (6)
39. Baylor (11)
40. Baynton (1)
41. Beals (2)
42. Beam (11)
   43. Beaman (28)
44. Beamer (1)
45. Beard (3)
46. Beasley (1)
47. Beaty (6)
48. Beavans (3)
49. Bechtel (3)
50. Bechtol (7)
51. Becker (1)
52. Beckett (1)
53. Becraft (1)
54. Bedwell (8)
55. Beebe (9)
56. Beetam-Beetom (1)
57. Beiner (1)
58. Bell (23)
59. Bellamy (5)
60. Belson (1)
61. Benison (1)
62. Benkert (1)
63. Bennet (20)
64. Bennett (17)
65. Benten (1)
66. Bentley (1)
67. Berg (1)
68. Bergman (5)
69. Bernhardt (8)
70. Berry (5)
71. Bethel (1)
72. Beus (53)
73. Beux (1)
74. Bevis (3)
75. Bieser (1)
76. Bigge (11)
77. Biggs (1)
78. Billotte (1)
79. Bingham (20)
80. Bischoff (1)
81. Bish (1)
82. Bishop (3)
83. Black (2)
84. Blackstone (1)
   85. Blades (1)
86. Blain (1)
87. Blakeney (9)
88. Blanchinden (1)
89. Bledsoe (1)
90. Blevins (1)
91. Blew (1)
92. Bloom (1)
93. Blume (5)
94. Boaz (1)
95. Bode (4)
96. Boggess (2)
97. Bogue (4)
98. Bohanon (1)
99. Boler (1)
100. Boling (10)
101. Bone (4)
102. Bonham (9)
103. Booher (1)
104. Booker (18)
105. Books (29)
106. Booth (1)
107. Border (1)
108. Borton (3)
109. Bosse (1)
110. Boswell (1)
111. Bosworth (28)
112. Bouley (1)
113. Bourne (1)
114. Bowater (1)
115. Bowen (3)
116. Bowers (6)
117. Bowles (15)
118. Bowley (15)
119. Bowley\Bougley (1)
120. Bowman (12)
121. Bowser (11)
122. Bowsman (1)
123. Boyce (1)
124. Boyd (28)
125. Bozworth (5)
126. Bradburn (1)
   127. Braddock (1)
128. Bradford (1)
129. Bradley (22)
130. Brand (1)
131. Branigan (1)
132. Branson (1)
133. Brant (1)
134. Bratton (1)
135. Brauer (1)
136. Breeding (1)
137. Breivogel (1)
138. Brewer (2)
139. Brick (1)
140. Bricken (1)
141. Bridges (1)
142. Brierley (2)
143. Brierly (18)
144. Briggs (14)
145. Bright (1)
146. Brindle (2)
147. Brindley (1)
148. Brinegar (9)
149. Brinkmann (1)
150. Brissenden (1)
151. Britton (1)
152. Broadhurst (1)
153. Broccas (4)
154. Broche (1)
155. Brock (7)
156. Brockus (18)
157. Brocus (1)
158. Brook (1)
159. Brooke (2)
160. Brooks (1)
161. Broom (23)
162. Brown (26)
163. Browne (2)
164. Browning (11)
165. Brummett (1)
166. Bruner (1)
167. Brunner (1)
168. Bryant (64)
   169. Buchanan (1)
170. Buchholz (1)
171. Buck (1)
172. Buckley (1)
173. Buesching (10)
174. Bufkin (1)
175. Bullock (1)
176. Bumbarger (1)
177. Bunch (35)
178. Bundy (14)
179. Buoy (1)
180. Burchard (1)
181. Burdette (2)
182. Burdick (11)
183. Burgan (1)
184. Burgess (23)
185. Burgett (1)
186. Burke (3)
187. Burket (1)
188. Burkhart (1)
189. Burkley (1)
190. Burnam (1)
191. Burnett (7)
192. Burns (8)
193. Burres (1)
194. Burris (1)
195. Burroughs (1)
196. Burt (1)
197. Burwell (17)
198. Busby (14)
199. Buse (8)
200. Bush (23)
201. Bushong (1)
202. Bussell (1)
203. Butcher (1)
204. Butler (17)
205. Byar (1)
206. Bybee (1)
207. Bye (1)
208. Byrd (2)
209. Byrne (45)
210. Byrns (1)